Vanderlaan Law Group, PA | Summary Judgment Granted – Claims of Negligence and Statutory Strict Liability for Alleged Dog Bite
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Summary Judgment Granted – Claims of Negligence and Statutory Strict Liability for Alleged Dog Bite

Nathan T. Vanderlaan prevails at summary judgment against a dog groomer/dog sitter plaintiff after allegedly being bit by client’s dog. Summary judgment granted in favor of Nathan’s client on claim of negligence after successfully arguing the plaintiff’s negligence claim must be barred as the plaintiff assumed the risk of being bit by client’s dog after having prior knowledge of the dog’s propensity to bite. Summary judgment also granted on the plaintiff’s claim of strict liability for the alleged dog bite after successfully arguing that the plaintiff had the dog in the plaintiff’s custody and control classifying the plaintiff as an “owner” of the dog under the subject statute and thus precluding the plaintiff’s claim under the statute.